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Calendrier des ateliers

Rejoignez l'une de nos classes d'installateurs certifiés wedi ou PRO pour apprendre les instructions d'installation étape par étape et obtenir une expérience pratique en utilisant nos maquettes !

Notre atelier standard dure typiquement quelques heures et passe en revue les installations de base et la certification de wedi. Notre atelier PRO vous permet d'approfondir vos connaissances fondamentales du système de douche wedi. Au cours de ce séminaire de formation d'un jour et demi*, vous découvrirez l'ensemble des applications possibles avec les produits wedi et le système de douche wedi complet.

Nous respectons les directives du CDC et/ou la législation nationale en vigueur lors de la tenue de nos ateliers de certification. La distanciation sociale est prise en compte, des masques chirurgicaux et des désinfectants sont généralement fournis.

Tous les événements se déroulent à l'heure centrale des États-Unis. Les sites et lieux d'événements peuvent être soumis à des politiques Covid-19 exigeant des carnets de vaccination ou des résultats de tests négatifs - de la part des participants et du personnel du wedi. Nous vous informerons dès que nous aurons connaissance de ces politiques.

<Le programme de certification wedi PRO prend en charge l'hébergement et la nourriture pendant l'événement. Les frais de voyage et les arrangements sont exclus et sont à la charge du participant. D'autres conditions de qualification s'appliquent, voir la déclaration de garantie wedi PRO ici pour tous les détails.

Mensuel Hebdomadaire Quotidiennement Liste
février 2025

Lexington, KY - Atelier pour installateurs certifiés wedi

Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food, drinks and wedi swag! Special Feature: NEW wedi Fundo Click and Seal™ drain technology Workshop begins at: […]
24 Fév
13:00 heures - 15:00 heures
EJ Welch - Lexington
1174 Brock McVey Dr suite 100, Lexington, KY

Louisville, KY - Atelier d'installateur certifié wedi

Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food, drinks and wedi swag! Special Feature: NEW wedi Fundo Click and Seal™ drain technology Workshop begins at: […]
25 Fév
8h30 - 10h30
EJ Welch - Louisville
1010 Industrial Blvd, Louisville, KY

Richland, WA – wedi Certified Installer Workshop

Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food, drinks and wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 4:30pm For questions or to RSVP, please contact Bryan Swain […]
26 Fév
4:30 p.m. - 18:30 heures
T&A - Richland
2680 North Columbia Center Boulevard, Richland, WA
mars 2025

Burnaby, BC – wedi Certified Installer Workshop

Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food, drinks and wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 4:00pm For questions or to RSVP, contact Ion Clapaniuc, Phone: […]
04 Mar
16:00 heures - 18:00 heures
Prosol - Burnaby
2829 Norland Ave, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Traverse City, MI – wedi Certified Installer Workshop

Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food, drinks and wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 4:30pm For questions or to RSVP, please contact Michael Anderson […]
04 Mar
4:30 p.m. - 18:30 heures
Dal Tile - Traverse City
1315 Industry Dr, Traverse City, MI

Langley, BC – wedi Certified Installer Workshop

Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food, drinks and wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 1:00pm For questions or to RSVP, contact Ion Clapaniuc, Phone: […]
05 Mar
13:00 heures - 15:00 heures
Prosol - Langley
20555 Langley Bypass #5, Langley, BC, Canada

Knoxville, TN - Atelier d'installateur certifié wedi

Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food, drinks and wedi swag! Special Feature: NEW wedi Fundo Click and Seal™ drain technology Workshop begins at: […]
05 Mar
17:00 heures - 19:00 heures
The Tile Shop - Knoxville
8220 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919

Pacheco, CA – wedi Certified Installer Workshop

Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food and wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 3:00 pm For questions or to RSVP, please call Alan Saldana(925)-825-5757 […]
06 mars
15:00 heures - 17:00 heures
Modello Tile & Stone
5749 Pacheco Boulevard, Pacheco, CA

Batavia, IL - Atelier d'installateur certifié wedi

Come to this FREE workshop at wedi’s USA Headquarters and Manufacturing facility to get wedi Certified. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! Visit our new Training Center and get a behind-the-scenes look at how wedi is made! Please RSVP by registering for this event Workshop begins at 1:00 […]
07 mars
13:00 heures
Siège social de wedi USA - Salle de formation
1160 Pierson Drive suite 103, Batavia, Illinois

Batavia, IL - Atelier d'installateur certifié wedi

Come to this FREE workshop at wedi’s USA Headquarters and Manufacturing facility to get wedi Certified. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! Visit our new Training Center and get a behind-the-scenes look at how wedi is made! Please RSVP by registering for this event Workshop begins at 1:00 […]
07 mars
13:00 heures
Siège social de wedi USA - Salle de formation
1160 Pierson Drive suite 103, Batavia, Illinois

Charlotte, NC - Atelier d'installateur certifié wedi

Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 2:00 pm To RSVP, please contact: Mike Briggs, Phone:704-527-3422, Email: Michael.briggs@tileshop.com Benefits of using wedi include: 100% waterproof and mold-proof product and installation […]
07 mars
14:00 heures - 4:30 p.m.
The Tile Shop - Charlotte
7607 Nations Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC

Boise ID – wedi Certified Installer Workshop

Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food, drinks and wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 4:00pm For questions or to RSVP, please contact Wendy, Phone: […]
11 Mar
16:00 heures - 5:30 p.m.
T&A Supply - Boise
3920 E Lanark St, Boise, ID 83713
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