wedi Workshop Calendar – East North
Присоединяйтесь к одному из наших классов wedi Certified или PRO Certified Installer, чтобы изучить пошаговые инструкции по установке и получить практический опыт работы с нашими макетами.
These workshops will be held in various locations in the East North USA region! Learn all about the components that make up a wedi Waterproof Shower System, get certified on wedi’s installation process, enjoy some free food and free wedi swag!
Для получения информации о семинарах в других городах, пожалуйста, просмотрите наш полный календарь семинаров, выбрав его из выпадающего меню в верхней части страницы.
Каждый месяц Еженедельно Ежедневно Список
Март 2025
Philadelphia PA – wedi Certified Installer Workshop
Приходите на этот БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ семинар, чтобы получить сертификат wedi и узнать о новой системе Click and Seal Drain. Мы ответим на все ваши вопросы, угостим вас едой и предоставим множество сувениров от wedi! Семинар начинается в: 4:00 вечера Для получения дополнительной информации или для регистрации, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с: Wayne Tile - (973) 686-0012 За вопросами обращайтесь по адресу: Kevin.Paul@wedicorp.com [...]
27 Мар
16:00 - 7:00 pm
Avalon Flooring - Philadelphia48 Snyder Avenue, Philadelphia, PA
Апрель 2025
Вестал, штат Нью-Йорк - семинар для сертифицированных монтажников wedi
Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 4:30 pm For more information or to sign up, please contact Randy Rindell. Call 716- 990-7795 or email randy.rindell@wedicorp.com Benefits of using […]
09 Апр
16:30 - 7:30 pm
Плитка Вестал Нью-ЙоркВестал Тайл Дистрибьюторс, Инк., Прентис Роуд, Вестал, Нью-Йорк
Уорик, РИ - семинар сертифицированных монтажников wedi
Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! To sign up, please contact: Randy Rindell Phone: (716) 990-7795 Email: Randy.Rindell@wedicorp.com Workshop starts at 4:30pm. Benefits of using wedi include: 100% waterproof and […]
10 Апр
16:30 - 7:30 pm
Магазин плитки УорвикМагазин плитки, Балд Хилл Роуд, Уорик, штат Рима
Кинг оф Пруссия, штат Пенсильвания - семинар сертифицированных монтажников wedi
Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! To sign up, please RSVP by email to: Kevin Paul kevin.paul@wedicorp.com or 315-414-1470. Workshop begins at: 4:00 pm. Benefits of using wedi include: 100% […]
15 Апр
16:00 - 7:00 pm
Mohawk Tile and Marble410 Swedeland Road, King of Prussia, PA
Пемброк, штат Нью Йорк - семинар для сертифицированных монтажников wedi
Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 4:30 pm To RSVP, contact Michael Doherty, Michael.Doherty@wedicorp.com or (603) 668-0359 Benefits of using wedi include: 100% waterproof and mold-proof product […]
16 Апр
16:30 - 7:30 pm
Камень и плитка Genrose241 Миддл-стрит Миддлтаун, CT 06457
Bennington, VT – wedi Certified Installer Workshop
Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 8:00 am For more information or to sign up, please contact: RSVP at (781) 440-0604 or email David.LaFleur@wedicorp.com Benefits of using […]
22 Апр
8:00 утра - 11:00
Bennington House of Tile1267 Harwood Hill Road Bennington, VT 05201
Май 2025
Sussex, NJ – wedi Certified Installer Workshop
Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food and wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 4:00 pm For questions or to book your seat, please call […]
01 Май
16:00 - 7:00 pm
Wayne Tile Company Sussex - Wantage109 NJ-23, Wantage, NJ 07461
Лэтэм, штат Нью-Йорк - семинар для сертифицированных монтажников wedi
Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! To sign up for this workshop: Please Contact: Molly (518) 783-7888 or Email:molly@toptilelatham.com Workshop begins at 7:30 AM Benefits of using wedi include: 100% […]
05 Май
7:30 утра - 10:00 утра
Верхняя плитка из ЛэтхемаTop Tile of Latham 836 Troy-Schenectady Rd, Latham NY 12110
Норвуд, штат Массачусетс - семинар сертифицированных монтажников wedi
Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 4:30 pm For more information or to sign up, please contact: RSVP at (781) 440-0604 or email David.LaFleur@wedicorp.com Benefits of using […]
08 Май
16:30 - 7:30 pm
Компания Wayne Tile Company - Норвуд,151 Карнеги Роу, Норвуд, MA 02062
Кинг оф Пруссия, штат Пенсильвания - семинар сертифицированных монтажников wedi
Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! To sign up, please RSVP by email to: Joe Leithead: Jleithead@tileshop.com Workshop begins at: 4:30 pm. Benefits of using wedi include: 100% waterproof and […]
08 Май
16:30 - 7:00 pm
The Tile Shop - King of Prussia201 Allendale Rd, King of Prussia, PA
Дептфорд, штат Нью-Джерси - семинар для сертифицированных монтажников wedi
Come to this FREE workshop to get wedi Certified while learning about the NEW Click and Seal Drain. Answer any questions you have, grab some food, and plenty of wedi swag! To sign up, please RSVP by email to: Jason Moyer – Jason.moyer@tileshop.com Workshop begins at: 4:30 pm. Benefits of using wedi include: 100% waterproof and […]
13 Май
16:30 - 7:00 pm
The Tile Shop - Deptford1901 Deptford Center Rd, Deptford, NJ
Ramsey, NJ – wedi Certified Installer Workshop
Come to this FREE workshop and get wedi Certified while learning all about the various components of wedi’s Waterproof Shower Systems. Meet your local technical sales manager and get all your questions answered while grabbing some free food and wedi swag! Workshop begins at: 4:00 pm For questions or to book your seat, please email […]
15 Май
16:00 - 7:00 pm
Wayne Tile Company - Ramsey NJ50 Spring St #3, Рэмси, Нью-Джерси
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